
在年度杰出女性午宴上, 推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您 honors women who cherish community and family and want to preserve these ideals for others. 这项活动是PBA 30多年来的传统, and proceeds from the luncheon benefit a scholarship fund for deserving female students.








出生于华盛顿特区.C.,给Therese和H. 阿来安德森, 丹尼斯·安德森·汉利 moved with her parents and 三个 siblings, Andrea, Therese and H.阿来,小.1958年,他来到了推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您. 她曾就读于佛罗里达州推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您私立学校. 弗农神学院, Briarcliff大学, 佛罗里达大西洋大学, where she received her master’s in Guidance and Counseling.

In 1970, Denise married her high school sweetheart, 丹 Hanley. 他们养育了两个儿子, 德鲁和布莱克, 两位佛罗里达州律师, 比如他们的外祖父, 爱与父亲, 丹, who has been a partner at Gunster for almost 50 years. 他们是约书亚骄傲的祖父母, 佛罗里达大学二年级学生, 丽迪雅, 德雷福斯高中的三年级学生, 和Muoni, 三个, 谁在新一代蒙特梭利学校上学.

Denise has been a member of the Palm Beach Board of Realtors since the early ’80s and opened her own brokerage firm, 丹尼斯A汉利公司.房地产,1983年. She has served two terms on its board and has served on and chaired the Professional Standards Committee for many years.

Wanda Jenkins and Denise were both members of PBA’s 杰出女性 Luncheon from its inception. They were honored to co-chair 推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您’s 杰出女性 Luncheon for several years after the first chair Bebe Warren, 联合创始人唐·沃伦的妻子, 谁构想了世界卫生组织午餐会, 决定辞职.

Initially volunteering at the Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adults, Denise was asked to be chair and co-chair twice at their annual luncheon. 乔伊斯和达斯迪·桑的好朋友, she has also served as co-chair and honorary chair at The Ryan Licht Sang Foundation annual events in Palm Beach over the years and will be co-chairing with her husband, 丹, 2024年1月.

丹 and Denise have long supported several other philanthropic organizations, 比如汉利基金会, Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League and the Salvation Army. 丹 sits on both boards and recently retired from serving on the board of 推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您 for the last 30 years.

Denise and 丹 are long-time members of Family Church, where their children and they were baptized. Denise’s Christian faith in The Word of God and passing it on to her family, friends and others have been her most joyful mission.

She has facilitated Bible studies in Palm Beach and Northeast Harbor over many years. She is currently serving the Palm Beach Ladies Fellowship, held weekly during the season at Holy Trinity Church, 欢迎所有女士参加.


希拉溜冰者’s community involvement and philanthropy reflect her interests in music, 文学, 艺术, 和体育, 还有她对别人的同情.

推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您, which has enjoyed the longtime support of the 溜冰者 family, 她列出的首要原因是什么. 马歇尔和维拉·丽·林克基金会, 她在哪里担任副总裁, 带头建造了维拉·利·林克大厅, 马歇尔和维拉·利亚·林克体育校园, 以及约翰和希拉·林克运动场. 约翰和希拉的最新捐款两千万美元, along with the 马歇尔 and Vera Lea 溜冰者 Foundation, 公司.’s $6 million to fund the six-story 马歇尔 and Vera Lea 溜冰者 Business Hall, 会包括一个股票交易室吗, 演讲厅, 以及勒米厄公共政策中心. Each building project Sheila participates in has an associated maintenance endowment, 她优先考虑的话题是什么.

In 2016, the University awarded Sheila and her husband of 42 years, 约翰 J. 溜冰者, 荣誉博士学位, calling them “investors in generational change” for their focus on the well-being of 推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您 students.

希拉溜冰者 personally has lent her creative talents and energy, serving as a member of Palm Beach Atlantic’s 杰出女性 committee for 20 years, reflecting her passion for supporting student scholarships. 特别是, her heartfelt desire to help female students struggling financially and in need of encouragement has made a measurable difference in their lives.

Sheila is active with several local charitable organizations and causes. 二十年来, her volunteer work with the Palm Beach Habilitation Center has included serving on its board of directors as well as the organization’s annual Hab-a-He艺术 event committee, 2015年,她被选为“红心皇后”. 该奖项肯定了她的长期贡献, outstanding support and contributions to the event that helped the Center reach its fundraising goal.

She served for four years on the Urban Youth Impact board of directors and briefly on the board of the YWCA of Palm Beach County. 法律执行的支持者, she is the benefactor of a police department in a small Florida town, 为警官提供有拉链的防弹背心, 夜视镜, 指纹识别计算机, 四辆满载的警车, and helping to build a practice firing range which she had them name, 菲利普菲尔兹训练中心,"为了纪念一位牺牲的军官.  希拉也是H.O.W. (Hearing the Ovarian Cancer Whisper) 蒂姆e is of the Essence annual luncheon. 她也是Opportunity, 公司 .的支持者. for several years, supplying them with backpacks for the graduating class going into kindergarten.

Sheila attended Ringling College of Art and Design in Sarasota, 主修商业艺术(平面艺术). Her artistic talent was first noticed during high school when her artwork won third place in a national poster contest. 她在广告业干过一段时间.

这些天, 这对夫妇经常旅行。, with 约翰 sharing some of his photos as inspiration for Sheila’s art — painting in pastels. 除了, 她是个狂热的高尔夫球手, winning the club championship at the Lake Toxaway (North Carolina) Country Club twice and scoring nine eagles, 其中四个是一杆进洞.

The couple, who have four children and six grandchildren, are members of Royal Poinciana Chapel.


弗朗西丝 & 杰弗里·费雪
夫人. 威廉R. 威斯特,小.
丹 & 丹尼斯·汉利
克里 & 汤姆·麦卡
邦妮McElveen-Hunter & 吉尔·坎普
约翰 & 希拉溜冰者

蒂姆 & Marybeth索托斯
苏珊·基南·赖特 & 鲍勃·赖特
大卫 & 劳拉主教
穆“佩佩” & 伊米莉亚Fanjul
马歇尔 & Vera Lea 溜冰者基金会.
理查德·S. 约翰逊家族基金会.



Gifts of $10,000 or more will automatically welcome you into the President’s Giving Society. This special group of leadership-level supporters is regularly engaged in unique opportunities by PBA’s President, Dr. 黛布拉一. Schwinn和其他大学领导.

有关活动赞助的更多信息, underwriting opportunities and student scholarship opportunities, 请联系艾米·埃文斯, Director of Foundation and Corporate Relations at Amy_Evans@pba.Edu或561.803.2024.



